Helping you towards greater freedom

Why therapy

People seek out therapy for many different reasons. It might be for help with feelings of anxiety and depression, feelings of being stuck or isolated. Sometimes we look for support after a sudden change or a traumatic experience, or for help to discover why we may feel uneasy in our own skin even when externally, everything seems to be ‘just fine’.

Coming to therapy is giving yourself time and space to make sense of confusing feelings and experiences, to better understand your emotions and relationships, to discover deeper aspects of yourself.

Therapy can help with a broad range of issues:

  • stress & anxiety

  • low mood & depression

  • trauma - childhood & adulthood

  • shame

  • difficulty relating & connecting to others

  • loneliness

  • abuse - emotional, physical, sexual, neglect, bullying

  • grief & loss of a loved one, health, home, culture

  • self-hatred & self-harm

  • low self-esteem & perfectionism

colorful threads patterns

How can I help?

In therapy we look at both conscious and unconscious aspects of your life; we explore patterns in your interactions and explore your relationship dynamics with yourself and others.

As children we may have learned to be a certain way and developed certain patterns or character traits that we once used to shield us from harm which no longer serve us and get in way. We will work towards greater awareness and acceptance of yourself, greater attunement to your needs so you can make more intentional choices and live in a more fulfilled way.

First steps